
The Mint API allows you to create NFTs and send them directly to a user’s web3 wallet, or to an email address. When an email address is specified, we create a wallet for the user who can then export their NFT or access it any time for free.

This page documents how to use the Minting API more conveniently as a Quicknode RPC URL. The same functionality is also exposed through a REST API for those not using Quicknode.

Integration guide

Enable the Quicknode add-on

  1. First, create a Quicknode account if you didn’t have one already! Go to www.crossmint.com/support and follow the steps there. Be sure to also enable billing.
  2. Second, enable one or more nodes for the blockchains you plan to use. Pay special attention to whether you are enabling the mainnet or testnet versions of your blockchain of choice.
    Please note: at this time, the Crossmint Minting API is only available for Solana Devnet, with mainnet and Polygon coming soon.
  3. Third, navigate to https://marketplace.quicknode.com/add-on/crossmint-nft-mint-api and enable the add-on in your nodes
  4. Finally, follow the guide below to invoke the Minting API via the Quicknode RPC urls. Note: Quicknode uses the JSON RPC standard for API calls.

Mint an NFT

1. Create NFT

To create an NFT and send it to a user, first prepare all the metadata and then use one of the following RPCs:

Both endpoints have the same functionality, with the difference that cm_mintNFTIdempotent is idempotent — that is, if you call it many times it will guarantee at-most-once delivery of a given NFT.

2. Check for mint status

After sending a mint request, you should check on its status using the following RPC:

You can also get the NFT address on chain, amongst other metadata, from this API. Note that minting typically completes in under 10 seconds, but can (on rare occasions) go beyond a few minutes.

3. Notify your users

Once the mint is complete, let the user know and show them their NFT. If you chose to send the NFT to an email address, that NFT will be deposited on a unique custodial wallet for that user. The user can access their NFT by signing in with their email at:

Please note: the Crossmint minting API does not send the user an email on your behalf, so you may want to consider doing that to notify the user. Some APIs for sending emails are sendgrid or mailgun.

Create and manage NFT collections

By default, when you enable the API via the quicknode console, a “default” NFT collection gets created for you. However, you can also create your own collections. To do so, use the collections APIs.

Take ownership of your collection

The Crossmint Minting API makes it easy to create NFT collections and NFT mints, in a way that you don’t need to worry about interacting with the blockchain, by managing all these interactions for you.

However, the Crossmint minting API does not impose any lock-in: you can transfer ownership of your collection to your own crypto wallet if you choose to.

For doing so, reach out via support and our support team will be glad to help.